Holmium Iron Alloy | HoFe ingots | Produsen
Gunakake wesi wesi holmium wesi kanggo nyiyapake bahan magnet performance permanen sing dhuwur kayata Ndfeb.
Ho Konten Kita bisa nyuplai: 80%, 83%, disesuaikan
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Gadolinium Iron Alloy | GdFe ingots | Produsen
Aloi wesi gadolinium digunakake kanggo ngganti gadolinium ing ndfeb, sing bisa nambah asil saka ndfeb lan nyuda biaya ndfeb.
Konten GD Kita bisa nyuplekake: 69%, 72%, 75%, disesuaikan
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Dysprosium Iron Alloy | DyFe ingots | Produsen
Konten Ry Kita bisa nyedhiyakake: 75%, 80%, 85%, khusus
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Nickel Boron Alloy | NiB18 ingots | manufacturer | Rega Pabrik
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Nickel Magnesium Alloy | NiMg20 ingots | manufacturer | Rega Pabrik
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Chromium Boron alloy | CrB20 ingots | manufacturer | Rega Pabrik
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Tembaga berperlium master | Cube4 Ingots | Produsen
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Copper Magnesium Master Alloy | CuMg20 ingots | Produsen
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Aluminum Silver Master Alloy | AlAg10 ingots | Produsen
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com